Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
Alhambra Washington Irving
Alhambra (Finnish) Washington Irving
Alhambra Washington Irving
Alhambra Albert Frederick Calvert
All about Battersea Henry S. Simmonds
Allied Countries and the Jews H. G. Enelow
Alma vasca (Spanish) José María Salaverría
Alone Norman Douglas
Alpine notes and the climbing foot George Wherry
Alps Arnold Lunn
Alps Sir William Martin Conway
Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino Samuel Butler
Al rombo del cannone (Italian) Federico De Roberto
Alsace-Lorraine : a study of the relations of the two provinces to France and to Germany and a presentation of the just claims of their people Daniel Blumenthal
Alsace, Lorraine et France rhénane (French) Stéphen Coubé
Als U-Boots-Kommandant gegen England (German) Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner
älteste Kunst, insbesondere die Baukunst der Germanen von der Völkerwanderung bis zu Karl dem Grossen (German) Albrecht Haupt
Amazing City John Frederick Macdonald
Amazing Emperor Heliogabalus John Stuart Hay
Ambassador Morgenthau's Story Henry Morgenthau
American Independence and the French Revolution (1760-1801)
Americans in the Great War; v. 2. The Battle of Saint Mihiel
Ameublement de l'Hôtel de Pitsembourg au milieu du XVIIe siècle (French) Robert D'Awans
Amiens Before and During the War
amiral Du Casse, Chevalier de la Toison d'Or (1646-1715) (French) baron Robert Emmanuel Léon Du Casse