Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
Adlercreutzin sanansaattaja: Tapaus Revonlahden tappelusta v. 1808 (Finnish) J. O. Åberg
Adventures in the Philippine Islands Paul P. de La Gironière
Adventures of Captain John Patterson John Patterson
Adventures of Gerard Arthur Conan Doyle
Adventures with the Connaught Rangers, 1809-1814 William Grattan
Advis de la deffaicte des Anglois et autres heretiques (French) M. Sainct Maixant
Aenmerkinge op de Missive van Parnas (Dutch) Anonymous
affaire du bonnet et les Mémoires de Saint-Simon (French) André Grellet-Dumazeau
Afoot in England W. H. Hudson
African Colony: Studies in the Reconstruction John Buchan
After the Rain : how the West lost the East Samuel Vaknin
After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 William Edward Frye
Against Home Rule: The Case for the Union
Age of Justinian and Theodora: A History of the Sixth Century A.D., Volume 1 (of 2) William Gordon Holmes
Age of Justinian and Theodora: A History of the Sixth Century A.D., Volume 2 (of 2) William Gordon Holmes
Age of Stonehenge Edward Duke
Age of the Reformation Preserved Smith
Äiti (Finnish) Maksim Gorky
Albania : A narrative of recent travel E. F. Knight
Albert Ballin Bernhard Huldermann
albori della vita Italiana (Italian) Various
Alexander the Great Jacob Abbott
alföldi vadászok tanyája: Regény (Hungarian) báró Frigyes Podmaniczky
Alfred Kihlman: Elämän kuvaus. 2 (of 2) (Finnish) Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
Al fronte (maggio-ottobre 1915) (Italian) Luigi Barzini