Books in Browsing: Environmental Issues (sorted alphabetically by author)
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XII, Heft 10-12 : Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege (German) Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
Conservation Through Engineering Franklin K. Lane
Field Mice as Farm and Orchard Pests David E. Lantz
The Passaic Flood of 1903 Marshall Ora Leighton
Ontwerp van wet tot afsluiting en droogmaking van de Zuiderzee met toelichtende memorie (Dutch) Cornelis Lely
The World-Struggle for Oil Pierre Paul Ernest L'Espagnol de la Tramerye
Reading the Weather Thomas Morris Longstreth
An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis Archibald Makellar
The True Story of Our National Calamity of Flood, Fire and Tornado Logan Marshall
The Earth as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh
Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh
A Report upon the Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts Massachusetts. Commissioners on Fisheries and Game and David Lawrence Belding
On Naval Timber and Arboriculture Patrick Matthew
Acid Rain and Our Nation's Capital: A Guide to Effects on Buildings and Monuments E. S. McGee
Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota L. David Mech, Louis Daniel Frenzel, Robert R. Ream, John W. Winship, and P. D. Karns
Barrier beaches of the Atlantic coast Frederick J. H. Merrill
Jack Miner and the Birds, and Some Things I Know about Nature Jack Miner
Street Trees Furman Lloyd Mulford
Hygiene: a manual of personal and public health (New Edition) Sir Arthur Newsholme
Wood and Forest William Noyes
Rural Hygiene Henry N. Ogden
Practical Methods of Sewage Disposal for Residences, Hotels and Institutions Henry N. Ogden and H. Burdett Cleveland
The School Book of Forestry Charles Lathrop Pack
The Bird Study Book T. Gilbert Pearson
Comparison of Methods of Sewage Purification Theodore Clifford Phillips and Edward John Schneider