Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted alphabetically)
Practical Farm Buildings: Plans and Suggestions Andrew Frederick Hunter
Practical forging and art smithing Thomas F. Googerty
Practical Graining, with Description of Colors Employed and Tools Used William E. Wall
Practical Hand Book of Gas, Oil and Steam Engines John B. Rathbun
Practical hints to builders and those contemplating building National Sheet Metal Roofing Co.
Practical Methods of Sewage Disposal for Residences, Hotels and Institutions Henry N. Ogden and H. Burdett Cleveland
Practical Organ Building W. E. Dickson
Practical Rules for the Management of a Locomotive Engine Charles Hutton Gregory
Practical Stair Building and Handrailing W. H. Wood
practical treatise on coach-building historical and descriptive : Containing full information of the various trades and processes involved, with hints on the proper keeping of carriages, &c. James W. Burgess
Practical Treatise on Gas-light Friedrich Christian Accum
Precision locating and dividing methods Anonymous
Preliminary Report on Gowganda Mining Division District of Nipissing Ontario W. H. Collins
Preparation of Illustrations for Reports of the United States Geological Survey John L. Ridgway
Preparation of Plantation Rubber Sidney Morgan
Preservation of the Exterior of Wooden Buildings Henry A. Gardner and Allerton S. Cushman
Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth J. C. Meem
Principles and Practice of Fur Dressing and Fur Dyeing William E. Austin
Principles of Leather Manufacture H. R. Procter
Principles of Mining: Valuation, Organization and Administration Herbert Hoover
Principles of Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor
Printing Telegraphy... A New Era Begins Edward E. Kleinschmidt
Problem of Manflight James Means
Profits from scrap Chicago American Bureau of Engineering
Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century. Edward W. Byrn