Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted alphabetically)
Panama Canal Harry Clow Boardman
Panama Canal Duncan E. McKinlay
Panama Canal: A history and description of the enterprise J. Saxon Mills
Panama Canal and Its Makers Vaughan Cornish
Paper-Cutting Machines Jr. Niel Gray
Paper & paper making, ancient and modern Richard Herring
Papierprüfung: Eine Anleitung zum Untersuchen von Papier (German) Wilhelm Herzberg
Pegasus : problems of transportation J. F. C. Fuller
Petrol Engine Francis John Kean
Petroleum Albert Lidgett
Photo-engraving, Photo-etching and Photo-lithography in Line and Half-tone W. T. Wilkinson
Photographic Reproduction Processes Peter C. Duchochois
Piece Goods Manual A. E. Blanco
Pioneer': Light Passenger Locomotive of 1851 John H. White
Pioneer Railway of the West Maude Ward Lafferty
Pioneer Steamship Savannah: A Study for a Scale Model Howard Irving Chapelle
Pittsburgh Main Thoroughfares and the Down Town District Frederick Law Olmsted
Plain Concrete for Farm Use T. A. H. Miller
Plank Frame Barn Construction John L. Shawver
platinum metals Arthur Douglas Lumb
Pneumatic conveying Ernest George Phillips
Pneumatic Despatch Tube System of the Batcheller Pneumatic Tube Co. Birney C. Batcheller
Political and commercial geology and the world's mineral resources
Popular Technology; or, Professions and Trades. Vol. 2 (of 2) Edward Hazen
Practical Carriage and Wagon Painting M. C. Hillick