Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted alphabetically)
Old Roads and New Roads William Bodham Donne
Old-Time Nautical Instruments John Robinson
Omhoog in het luchtruim! Praatje over het luchtvaartvraagstuk (Dutch) Frederike van Uildriks
On Laboratory Arts Richard Threlfall
On the Development and Distribution of Primitive Locks and Keys Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures Charles Babbage
On the Origin of Clockwork, Perpetual Motion Devices, and the Compass Derek J. de Solla Price
Ontwerp van wet tot afsluiting en droogmaking van de Zuiderzee met toelichtende memorie (Dutch) Cornelis Lely
Opening Ceremonies of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, May 24, 1883 William C. Kingsley, Seth Low, and Franklin Edson
Opportunities in Aviation Arthur Sweetser and Gordon Lamont
Opportunities in Engineering Charles M. Horton
Optical Projection. Part 1: The Projection of Lantern Slides Lewis Wright and Russell Stuart Wright
Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Ordnance
Organisation of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers Explained Earl Thomas Brassey Brassey
Orienting the House: A Study of the Placing of the House with Relation to the Sun's Rays American Face Brick Association
Outspinning the Spider: The Story of Wire and Wire Rope John Kimberly Mumford
Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Harold P. Manly
Oxy-acetylene welding manual Lorn Campbell
Paint Technology and Tests Henry A. Gardner
Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose Willis J. Abbot
Panama Canal Frederic J. Haskin
Panama Canal Harry Clow Boardman
Panama Canal Duncan E. McKinlay
Panama Canal: A history and description of the enterprise J. Saxon Mills
Panama Canal and Its Makers Vaughan Cornish