Books in Browsing: Drugs/Alcohol/Pharmacology (sorted alphabetically by author)
Observation on the Use and Abuse of Mercury, and on the Precautions Necessary in Its Employment Alexander Philip Wilson Philip
From Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic. A Story of the Drink Curse Austin Potter
Iloinen Harbori (Finnish) Kalle Potti
Raittius-runoja : Valikoima raittiusasiaa käsitteleviä runoelmia (Finnish) G. J. Ramstedt
Without a Home Edward Payson Roe
The Ethics of Drink and Other Social Questions; Or, Joints In Our Social Armour James Runciman
Ebrietatis Encomium Albert-Henri de Sallengre
My Mother's Gold Ring: Founded on Fact Lucius M. Sargent
The Stuff Henry Slesar
Storm Cloud on Deka E. E. Smith
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics Joel Dorman Steele
The Third Great Plague John H. Stokes
Unser Familien-Arzt (German) H. R. Stout
Brought Home Hesba Stretton
La "noire idole": Étude sur la Morphinomanie (French) Laurent Tailhade
Raittiutta runoissa I-II: Raittiuskokouksissa lausuttavaksi ja kotona luettavaksi (Finnish) Em. Tamminen and Juho Hellman
Memoranda on Poisons Thomas Hawkes Tanner
The Log of the Water Wagon; or, The Cruise of the Good Ship "Lithia" Bert Leston Taylor and W. C. Gibson
The Drunkard Guy Thorne
The Rise and Fall of Prohibition Charles Hanson Towne
Habits that Handicap: The Menace of Opium, Alcohol, and Tobacco, and the Remedy Charles Barnes Towns
Handbuch der Pharmakognosie : Zweiter Band. Spezielle Pharmakognosie (German) A. Tschirch
Handbuch der Pharmakognosie : Erster Band. Allgemeine Pharmakognosie (German) A. Tschirch
What Works: Schools Without Drugs United States. Department of Education
Diphtheria : how to recognize the disease, how to keep from catching it, how to treat those who do catch it United States. Public Health Service