Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically by author)
Murder at Bridge Anne Austin
Mr. Fortune's Practice H. C. Bailey
Call Mr. Fortune H. C. Bailey
Bob Dexter and the Storm Mountain Mystery; or, The Secret of the Log Cabin Willard F. Baker
The Boy Ranchers in Death Valley; Or, Diamond X and the Poison Mystery Willard F. Baker
The Garret and the Garden; Or, Low Life High Up R. M. Ballantyne
The Voice on the Wire Eustace Hale Ball
Traffic in Souls: A Novel of Crime and Its Cure Eustace Hale Ball
Keeban Edwin Balmer
Ruth of the U. S. A. Edwin Balmer
An Historical Mystery (The Gondreville Mystery) Honoré de Balzac
R. Holmes & Co. John Kendrick Bangs
Mrs. Raffles: Being the Adventures of an Amateur Crackswoman John Kendrick Bangs
That Mainwaring Affair A. Maynard Barbour
At the Time Appointed A. Maynard Barbour
The mystery of the Sea-Lark Ralph Henry Barbour and H. P. Holt
The Triumphs of Eugene Valmont Robert Barr
Jennie Baxter, Journalist Robert Barr
From Whose Bourne Robert Barr
Revenge! Robert Barr
The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont Robert Barr
The Mystery of Cleverly: A Story for Boys George Barton
The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents George Barton
Shifting Sands Sara Ware Bassett
Henry More Smith: The Mysterious Stranger Walter Bates