Books in Browsing: Business/Management (sorted alphabetically by author)
How to Collect a Doctor Bill Franklyn Pierre Davis
Making Your Camera Pay Frederick C. Davis
Hosiery Manufacture M.A. William Davis
The Complete English Tradesman (1839 ed.) Daniel Defoe
Advertising by motion pictures Ernest A. Dench
Elements of show card writing John H. De Wild
Makers Cory Doctorow
Textiles, for Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools William H. Dooley
The Firm of Girdlestone Arthur Conan Doyle
How to Make Money John V. Dunlap
One Thousand Ways to Make a Living; or, An Encyclopædia of Plans to Make Money Harold Morse Dunphy
About sugar buying for jobbers B. W. Dyer
The Lead Pencil Manufactory of A. W. Faber at Stein near Nürnberg, Bavaria Faber-Castell
The Settlement of Wage Disputes Herbert Feis
Personality Plus: Some Experiences of Emma McChesney and Her Son, Jock Edna Ferber
Roast Beef, Medium: The Business Adventures of Emma McChesney Edna Ferber
Emma McChesney and Co. Edna Ferber
Report of Governor's Representatives for California at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Commission J. A. Filcher, Frank Wiggins, and California. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition commission
My Life and Work Henry Ford and Samuel Crowther
- Elämäni ja työni (Finnish) Henry Ford and Samuel Crowther
Paper and Printing Recipes John Sawtelle Ford
Seventeen Talks on the Banking Question Charles N. Fowler
One Thousand Ways to Make Money Page Fox
Annals, Anecdotes and Legends: A Chronicle of Life Assurance of the Bank of England John Francis
Franklin's Way to Wealth; or, "Poor Richard Improved" Benjamin Franklin