Books in Browsing: Business/Management (sorted alphabetically by author)
General Instructions for the Guidance of Post Office Inspectors in the Dominion of Canada Alexander Campbell
Essai sur le commerce (French) Richard Cantillon
Arbetets Herravälde (Swedish) Andrew Carnegie
Tea room business Ida Lee Cary
O vinho do Porto: processo de uma bestialidade ingleza (Portuguese) Camilo Castelo Branco
Bound to Succeed; or, Mail Order Frank's Chances Allen Chapman
The Early Bird: A Business Man's Love Story George Randolph Chester
Five Thousand an Hour: How Johnny Gamble Won the Heiress George Randolph Chester
Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford George Randolph Chester
The American Frugal Housewife Lydia Maria Child
The Money Gods Ellery H. Clark
The American Railway: Its Construction, Development, Management, and Appliances Thomas Curtis Clarke
Fifty years in Wall Street Henry Clews
Free Ships: The Restoration of the American Carrying Trade John Codman
Behind the Scenes in a Hotel Consumers' League of New York City
Consumers' Cooperative Societies in New York State Consumers' League of New York City
The Key to Success Russell H. Conwell
Acres of Diamonds: Our Every-day Opportunities Russell H. Conwell
United States Steel: A Corporation with a Soul Arundel Cotter
Everybody's Guide to Money Matters of Exeter F.S.A. William Cotton
Practical Pointers for Patentees Franklin Allison Cresee
The Theory of Stock Exchange Speculation Arthur Crump
A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New Henry Curwen
Railroad Reorganization Stuart Daggett
The statistomat pitch Chandler Davis