Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 3/6) (French) duchesse d' Laure Junot Abrantès
Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 6/6) (French) duchesse d' Laure Junot Abrantès
Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592 Arthur Acheson
Celsissimus: Salzburger Roman (German) Arthur Achleitner
Souvenirs d'un musicien (French) Adolphe Adam
Derniers souvenirs d'un musicien (French) Adolphe Adam
The romance of my childhood and youth Juliette Adam
Christopher Columbus: His Life and His Work Charles Kendall Adams
Manuel Pereira; Or, The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina F. Colburn Adams
The Education of Henry Adams Henry Adams
The Life of Albert Gallatin Henry Adams
Familiar Letters of John Adams and His Wife Abigail Adams During the Revolution John Adams and Abigail Adams
William Hamilton Gibson: artist—naturalist—author John Coleman Adams
Fifty Notable Years John G. Adams
A Brief Handbook of English Authors Oscar Fay Adams
A dictionary of American authors Oscar Fay Adams
Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century W. H. Davenport Adams
Exploits and adventures of a soldier ashore and afloat William Llewellyn Adams
Twenty Years at Hull House; with Autobiographical Notes Jane Addams
Lucy Larcom: Life, Letters, and Diary Daniel Dulany Addison
Letters of a Lunatic G. J. Adler
Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence Louis Agassiz
Rube Burrow, king of outlaws, and his band of train robbers : An accurate and faithful history of their exploits and adventures George W. Agee
Jaime de Magalhães Lima (Portuguese) José Agostinho
Elias Lönnrot: Biografiskt utkast (Swedish) August Ahlqvist