Books in Browsing: Art & Photography (sorted alphabetically)
Art in America: A Critical and Historial Sketch S. G. W. Benjamin
Art in England: Notes and Studies Dutton Cook
Art in Needlework: A Book about Embroidery Lewis F. Day and active 1900 Mary Buckle
Art in Shell of the Ancient Americans William Henry Holmes
Artist and Public, and Other Essays on Art Subjects Kenyon Cox
Artistic Anatomy of Animals Édouard Cuyer
Artist in Egypt Walter Tyndale
Artist's Letters from Japan John La Farge
Artists Past and Present; Random Studies Elisabeth Luther Cary
Artists' Wives Alphonse Daudet
Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition Sheldon Cheney
art ochlocratique: salons de 1882 & de 1883 (French) Joséphin Péladan
Art of Architectural Modelling in Paper T. A. Richardson
Art of Architecture: A Poem in Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry John Gwynn
Art of Aubrey Beardsley Arthur Symons
Art of Ballet Mark Edward Perugini
Art of Bookbinding: A practical treatise, with plates and diagrams Joseph William Zaehnsdorf
Art of Building a Home: A collection of lectures and illustrations Barry Parker and Sir Raymond Unwin
art of decorating dry goods windows and interiors : A complete manual of window trimming, designed as an educator in all the details of the art, according to the best accepted methods, and treating fully every important subject L. Frank Baum
Art of Graining: How Acquired and How Produced. Charles Pickert and A. Metcalf
art of home furnishing and decoration Armstrong Cork Company, Kathleen Clinch Calkins, and Frank Alvah Parsons
Art of Illustration Henry Blackburn
Art of Interior Decoration Grace Wood and Emily Burbank
Art of Needle-work, from the Earliest Ages, 3rd ed. active 1840-1883 Sutherland Menzies
Art of Theatrical Make-up Cavendish Morton