Books in Browsing: Art & Photography (sorted alphabetically)
Dutch Etchers of the Seventeenth Century Laurence Binyon
Eagle's Nest John Ruskin
Earlier Work of Titian Sir Claude Phillips
Early English Water-Colour Drawings of the Great Masters A. J. Finberg
Early Illustrated Books Alfred W. Pollard
Early Woodcut Initials Oscar Jennings
Earthwork out of Tuscany: Being Impressions and Translations of Maurice Hewlett Maurice Hewlett
ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest Christian times to the seventeenth century; vol. 1/3 David MacGibbon and Thomas Ross
ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest Christian times to the seventeenth century; vol. 2/3 David MacGibbon and Thomas Ross
ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest Christian times to the seventeenth century; vol. 3/3 David MacGibbon and Thomas Ross
Ed. Manet: étude biographique et critique (French) Émile Zola
Edmund Dulac's Picture-Book for the French Red Cross Edmund Dulac
Egyptian Art: Studies G. Maspero
Egyptian decorative art : A course of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution W. M. Flinders Petrie
Eighteenth Century in English Caricature Selwyn Brinton
Eight Illustrations to Shakespeare's Tempest Walter Crane
Elementary Color Milton Bradley
Elementary Instruction in the Art of Illuminating and Missal Painting on Vellum D. Laurent de Lara
Elements of Drawing, in Three Letters to Beginners John Ruskin
Elements of Perspective John Ruskin
Emblematic Illumination; or Forms, Colours and Emblems
Emblems of Mortality; representing, in upwards of fifty cuts, death seizing all ranks and degrees of people
embroidery book Anne Knox Arthur
Encaustic: Or, Count Caylus's method of painting in the manner of the ancients. Jean-Henri Müntz
English Book-Illustration of To-day R. E. D. Sketchley