Books in Browsing: Art & Photography (sorted alphabetically)
Architectural Antiquities of Normandy Dawson Turner and John Sell Cotman
Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Aug. 1869 Various
architectura religiosa na Edade Média (Portuguese) Augusto Fuschini
Architecture N. D'Anvers
Architecture : nineteenth and twentieth centuries Henry-Russell Hitchcock
Architecture: Classic and Early Christian T. Roger Smith and John Slater
Architecture: Gothic and Renaissance T. Roger Smith
Architecture Gothique (French) Édouard Corroyer
Architecture of Provence and the Riviera David MacGibbon
Architecture romane (French) Édouard Corroyer
Architettura comacina (Italian) Vittorio Treves
Ariadne Florentina: Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving John Ruskin
Armor and Arms Thomas T. Hoopes
Armour in England, from the Earliest Times to the Reign of James the First John Starkie Gardner
Arnold Böcklin (German) Heinrich Alfred Schmid
Around the world in eighty minutes William S. Walsh
Art Auguste Rodin
Art Clive Bell
Art and Craft of Printing William Morris
Art and Pleasure: "Painting with Needles" Virginia Snow Studios
Art and Practice of Silver Printing H. P. Robinson and Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney
Art and the Romance of Indian Basketry Clark Field
Art du brodeur (French) Charles Germain de Saint-Aubin
Arte (Italian) Federico De Roberto
Arte de louceiro: Tratado sobre o modo de fazer as louças de barro mais grossas (Portuguese) comte de Nicolas-Christiern de Thy Milly