Books in Browsing: Archaeology (sorted alphabetically by author)
Antiquités d'Herculanum, Tome VI. Lampes et candélabres (French) Tommaso Piroli
Antiquités d'Herculanum, Tome V. Bronzes (French) Tommaso Piroli
Antiquités d'Herculanum, Tome IV. Bronzes (French) Tommaso Piroli
Antiquités d'Herculanum, Tome III. Peintures (French) Tommaso Piroli
Antiquités d'Herculanum, Tome II. Peintures (French) Tommaso Piroli
Antiquités d'Herculanum, Tome I. Peintures (French) Tommaso Piroli
Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia G. D. Pope
El Kab James Edward Quibell
La cruz en América (Arqueología Argentina) (Spanish) Adán Quiroga
Conservation Archaeology of the Richland/Chambers Dam and Reservoir L. Mark Raab and Randall W. Moir
The Ancient Monuments of North and South America, 2nd ed. C. S. Rafinesque
Chaldea: From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria Zénaïde A. Ragozin
North American Stone Implements Charles Rau
Longhead: The Story of the First Fire C. H. Robinson
Observations critiques sur l'archélogie dite préhistorique, spécialement en ce qui concerne la race celtique (1879) (French) Félix Marie Louis Jean Robiou de La Tréhonnais
Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland Thomas O'Neill Russell
Turquois mosaic art in ancient Mexico Marshall H. Saville
The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptions A. H. Sayce
Mycenæ: a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenæ and Tiryns Heinrich Schliemann
Troy and Its Remains Heinrich Schliemann
How Old Is It? The Story of Dating in Archeaology James Schoenwetter
Der Unterkiefer des Homo Heidelbergensis: Aus den Sanden von Mauer bei Heidelberg (German) Otto Schoetensack
Primer of Ohio Archaeology: The Mound Builders and the Indians H. C. Shetrone
Noções elementares de archeologia (Portuguese) Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da Silva
Resumo elementar de archeologia christã (Portuguese) Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da Silva