The Mormon Battalion, Its History and Achievements
B. H. Roberts
Life of Heber C. Kimball, an apostle : the father and founder of the British mission
Orson F. Whitney
Memoirs of John R. Young, Utah Pioneer, 1847
John R. Young
The Wentworth Letter
Jr. Joseph Smith
The Story of the Book of Mormon
Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage: A Discussion
Joseph Fielding Smith and R. C. Evans
New Witnesses for God (Volume 3 of 3)
B. H. Roberts
Elias: An Epic of the Ages
Orson F. Whitney
Defense of the Faith and the Saints (Volume 2 of 2)
B. H. Roberts
Essentials in Church History
Joseph Fielding Smith
The Seventy's Course in Theology, Third Year
B. H. Roberts
The Women of Mormondom
Edward W. Tullidge
Reminiscences of Joseph, the Prophet, and the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon
Edward Stevenson
The Life of Joseph Smith, the Prophet
George Q. Cannon
Added Upon
Nephi Anderson
Under the Prophet in Utah; the National Menace of a Political Priestcraft
Frank J. Cannon and Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins
A Rational Theology, as Taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
John Andreas Widtsoe
What Jesus Taught
Osborne J. P. Widtsoe
Life of a Pioneer: Being the Autobiography of James S. Brown
James S. Brown
Joseph Smith as Scientist: A Contribution to Mormon Philosophy
John Andreas Widtsoe
The Great Apostasy, Considered in the Light of Scriptural and Secular History
James E. Talmage
Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Orson Spencer
A New Witness for God (Volume 1 of 3)
B. H. Roberts
The Mormon Doctrine of Deity: The Roberts-Van Der Donckt Discussion
B. H. Roberts
The Story of "Mormonism" and The Philosophy of "Mormonism"
James E. Talmage