Books in Detective Fiction (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Borough Treasurer J. S. Fletcher
Dead Men's Money J. S. Fletcher
The Middle of Things J. S. Fletcher
The Middle Temple Murder J. S. Fletcher
The Middle Temple Murder J. S. Fletcher
The Red Thumb Mark R. Austin Freeman
The Mystery of 31 New Inn R. Austin Freeman
John Thorndyke's Cases R. Austin Freeman
File No. 113 Emile Gaboriau
The Clique of Gold Emile Gaboriau
Baron Trigault's Vengeance Emile Gaboriau
The Count's Millions Emile Gaboriau
The Honor of the Name Emile Gaboriau
Monsieur Lecoq, v. 1 Emile Gaboriau
Monsieur Lecoq — Volume2 (French) Emile Gaboriau
The Mystery of Orcival Emile Gaboriau
The Lerouge Case Emile Gaboriau
L'affaire Lerouge (French) Emile Gaboriau
Monsieur Lecoq — Volume 1 (French) Emile Gaboriau
The Champdoce Mystery Emile Gaboriau
Caught in the Net Emile Gaboriau
L'argent des autres: 2. La pêche en eau trouble (French) Emile Gaboriau
L'argent des autres: 1. Les hommes de paille (French) Emile Gaboriau
Other People's Money Emile Gaboriau
Within an Inch of His Life Emile Gaboriau