Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China
J. Knox Jones
The Pigmy Woodrat, Neotoma goldmani, Its Distribution and Systematic Position
Rollin H. Baker and Dennis G. Rainey
Geographic Range of the Hooded Skunk, Mephitis macroura
E. Raymond Hall and Walter Woelber Dalquest
Geographic Distribution of the Pocket Mouse, Perognathus fasciatus
J. Knox Jones
Home Range and Movements of the Eastern Cottontail in Kansas
Donald W. Janes
Taxonomy of the Chipmunks, Eutamias quadrivittatus and Eutamias umbrinus
John A. White
Additional Records and Extensions of Known Ranges of Mammals from Utah
Stephen David Durrant, M. Raymond Lee, and Richard M. Hansen
The Badger: A Monograph
Sir Alfred E. Pease
Description of a New Vespertilionine Bat from Yucatan
J. A. Allen
The Autobiography of a Monkey
Albert Bigelow Paine
Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Cratogeomys castanops, in Coahuila, México
Rollin H. Baker and Robert J. Russell
Mammals from Southeastern Alaska
Rollin H. Baker and James S. Findley
Comments on the Taxonomy and Geographic Distribution of Some North American Rodents
E. Raymond Hall and Keith R. Kelson
Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomomys bottae, in Colorado
Phillip M. Youngman
Mammals taken Along the Alaska Highway
Rollin H. Baker
Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota
L. David Mech, Louis Daniel Frenzel, Robert R. Ream, John W. Winship, and P. D. Karns
Two New Moles (Genus Scalopus) from Mexico and Texas
Rollin H. Baker
A New Bat (Myotis) From Mexico
E. Raymond Hall
Habits, Haunts and Anecdotes of the Moose and Illustrations from Life
Charles Albert Jones
Comments on the Taxonomy and Geographic Distribution of Some North American Marsupials, Insectivores and Carnivores
E. Raymond Hall and Keith R. Kelson
Geographic Distribution and Taxonomy of the Chipmunks of Wyoming
John A. White
A New Subspecies of Wood Rat (Neotoma mexicana) from Colorado
Robert B. Finley
Conspecificity of two pocket mice, Perognathus goldmani and P. artus
E. Raymond Hall and Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie
Taxonomy and Distribution of Some American Shrews
James S. Findley
Methods of Destroying Rats
David E. Lantz