Books in Christianity (sorted alphabetically by author)
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A Young Folks' History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Nephi Anderson
History of the missions of the American Board Of Commissioners For Foreign Missions to the oriental churches, Volume II. Rufus Anderson
History of the missions of the American Board Of Commissioners For Foreign Missions to the oriental churches, Volume I. Rufus Anderson
Wee Ones' Bible Stories Anonymous
Latin Vulgate, Esther: Liber Esther (Latin) Anonymous
Little Folded Hands Anonymous
Biblia Sacra Vulgata - Psalmi XXII (Latin) Anonymous
Latin Vulgate, Bible Book Titles and Names (Latin) Anonymous
Latin Vulgate, Esther: Liber Esther (Latin) Anonymous
Latin Vulgate, Daniel: Prophetia Danielis (Latin) Anonymous
Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible Anonymous
True Christianity Johann Arndt
The Confessions of St. Augustine Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine
A History of American Christianity Leonard Woolsey Bacon
Deaconesses in Europe and their Lessons for America Jane M. Bancroft
The Village Pulpit, Volume II. Trinity to Advent S. Baring-Gould
Sermons on Evil-Speaking Isaac Barrow
Beside the Still Waters Charles Beard
Strong Souls Charles Beard
Christianity and Islam Carl Heinrich Becker
George Borrow H. C. Beeching
Lourdes Robert Hugh Benson
How to Teach Religion George Herbert Betts
Israël en Égypte: Étude sur un oratorio de G.F. Hændel (French) Maurice Bouchor
A Practical Discourse on Some Principles of Hymn-Singing Robert Bridges
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