Books by Emshwiller, Ed (sorted alphabetically)
Tunnel Under the World Frederik Pohl
Turnover Point Alfred Coppel
Twilight Years Kirk Drussai and Garen Drussai
Unlearned Raymond F. Jones
Until Life Do Us Part Winston K. Marks
Valley Richard Stockham
Very Secret Agent Mari Wolf
Wailing Wall Roger D. Aycock
War Game Bryce Walton
Warm Robert Sheckley
Watchbird Robert Sheckley
What Inhabits Me? Robert Moore Williams
What is POSAT? Phyllis Sterling Smith
What Shall It Profit? Poul Anderson
White spot Murray Leinster
Wings of the phoenix John Bernard Daley
Woman's Place Mark Clifton
Woman's touch Evelyn E. Smith
World Without War E. G. Von Wald
Worshippers Damon Knight
Z Charles L. Fontenay